Sunday, October 26, 2014

Knowing More of Psychology

History of Psychology
Other Pioneers in Psychology:
Father of Psychology; along with the great philosophers of Ancient Greece of 4th and 5th century  BC – Socrates, Plato and others
Rene Descartes
Believes in the nativist view that human capabilities are inborn
John Locke
Believes in the enmpiricist view that knowledge is acquired through experience
Wilhelm Wundt
Father of Modern Psychology and Experimental; and also, founded academic discipline of psychology in 1879
G. Stanley Hall
Established the first psychological lab in the United States
James McKeen Cattell
First professor of Psychology
Sir Francis Galton
Studied individual differences as of 1869

Development of Psychology in the Philippines
University of Sto. Tomas (UST) and University of San Carlos in Cebu
First institution to offer Psychology in the 17th century
Virgilio Enriquez
Father of Philippine Psychology
Agustin Alonzo
First Filipino Psychologist
Sinforoso Padilla
First to major Psychology from Undergraduate to Doctoral studies
Jesus Perfunian
Set up Far Eastern University (FEU) Psychological Clinic
Angel De Blas
Established Experimental Psychology Lab at UST
Estefania Aldaba Um
First Filipino to receive PhD in Clinical Psychology from University of Michigan
Alfred Lagmay
University of the Philippines (UP) Psychology Department Chairman for 22 years
Jaime Balatad
Established the Psychology Department at Ateneo De Manila

School of Thought in Psychology - a group of people who band together with a stand on how we should understand behavior
Structuralism elaborated by Edward Tiechner with the goal of specifying mental structures and analyzing the basic elements of conscious experience and mental structure.
Introspection self-analysis
Functionalism led by William James, studies how the mind work so that an organism can adapt to and function in its environment.
Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud, believes that human behavior is governed by unconsciousness.
Behaviorism by John B. Watson, believes that psychological data must be open to public inspection like scientific data as observable.
Gestalt Psychology by Max Wertheimer, believes that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Biological concerned with neurological processes
Behavioral considers on external activities
Cognitive concerned with mental processes
Psychoanalytic states that behavior stems from the unconscious processes
Phenomenological focuses on subjective personal experience of events and motivation towards self-actualization

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